About Us

At Board in the World we cover a range of topics, but the overall theme of our site is travel, skateboarding, and snowboarding. We’re a family of four that loves to travel, so you’ll find a ton of helpful travel information, but we also love to explore the world while standing sideways, so you’ll find some skateboarding and snowboarding mixed in. Looking for information on great places to visit, or help with traveling? Check out our Travel Destinations and Travel Tips sections. Want more skateboarding and snowboarding? Check out our Board Life section.

When we started Board in the World, we didn’t want to be just another travel blog. For this reason, we decided to include skateboarding and snowboarding in the site. We’re a family that loves both, and these activities often involve travel for us. Most places we travel to we’ll have our skateboards along with us. This doesn’t mean every trip is a skateboard trip, because they certainly aren’t, but we do like to squeeze in some board time in the different places we travel to whenever we get a chance.

If you don’t skateboard or snowboard please don’t feel like this site isn’t for you. Almost all of the boarding content is contained within our Board Life section. Our Travel Destinations and Travel Tips sections will be what you would expect from a family travel blog. We know everyone loves to travel, so anyone visiting the site will hopefully enjoy what we’re providing. We also know there are millions of people that love skateboarding and snowboarding, so if you’re one of them you can consider the site a bonus for you.